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Basement Flooding Assessments…

Bono Consulting Civil Engineers has helped hundreds of property owners that are experiencing basement flooding. The owners typically have had numerous solutions presented to them by different trades, and are confused because there is a wide range of solutions and a wide range of prices. The plumber wants to install new sump pumps, the architect wants to change the roof line, the waterproofing contractor wants to seal cracks in the foundation and the landscaping contractor wants to rebuild the patio. Which is right?

The reason property owners find our service useful is because we are not affiliated with any particular construction firm or proprietary technology. We are not trying to sell you a particular type of service or technology.

When we are asked to perform an engineering assessment our professional engineer will make a site visit to interview the owners and get an understanding of the particular circumstances of how your basement flooded. Did the floor drains back up, did the sump pump fail, did water come in through a stairwell or window well? The engineer will then observe the current conditions at the site including how the yards and pavement are graded. Is there runoff coming from a neighbor’s property? How are the pumps working? Are the backup pumps in good working condition? Are there overhead sewer? Are the downspouts and sump pumps discharging water away from the house? In a large storm event, what is the path of surface water overflow?

We will then be able to have an understanding of the root cause of the problem and then make suggestions for the owner to improve their site. The solutions are different for every house, and may include both outdoor remedies such as yard regrading and storm sewer pipes, and indoor remedies such as overhead sewers, backup sump pumps, foundation crack repair and sewer back flow preventers.

Please note that we are not a contractor and we are not trying to sell you a particular solution. We provide an unbiased site assessment by a Professional Engineer and a recommendation for you on how to proceed with the mitigation.

We always look for solutions that could be done at the least cost to the homeowner.

Floodplain Engineering Chicago | Civil Engineering Chicago
Floodplain Engineering| Civil Engineering

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