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What are Rain Gardens?

Rain gardens are small depressions that collect rainwater runoff from roof downspouts, sump pump discharges, driveways, and/or lawns. The water is absorbed or infiltrated into the soil within the rain garden and/or filtered through the vegetation. Rain gardens are typically planted with various native wildflowers and grasses suited to periodically wet conditions. The primary purpose of a rain garden is to reduce the amount of water conveyed to the local stormwater system.

Benefits of rain gardens include:

  • Absorbing and filtering stormwater runoff
  • Removing commonplace pollutants from stormwater runoff
  • Creating wildlife habitat and attracting butterflies and birds
  • After the first few years of establishing they are low maintenance
  • Rain gardens can be aesthetically pleasing landscaping features


Floodplain Engineering Chicago | Storm Water Management Engineering Chicago
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